Jarrett L. Perdue Sr.

When we look at the word "Church" in reference to Believers In Christ, we should always look at it in proper context and not the way it is traditionally used.

People will say "What Church do you go to?" the connotation is, "What denomination, organization and building do you attend weekly?" The reason for that is people have been indoctrinated to believe that when someone states they are going to Church, automatically one thinks of a location.

In the English translations of the Bible, the word "Church" is used in the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation. 77 times in the KJV, 109 times in the NLT, 74 times in the ESV, and 78 times in the NET. The etymological root meaning of the word Church in the Greek is ekklēsia, pronounced ek-klay-see'-ah. It comes from 2 words; ek' meaning 'out' and 'kaleo' meaning 'to call.' It is a calling out of Believers In Christ.

If people are in fellowship and have a place they attend weekly where they uplift and encourage one another in the Name Of The Lord, that is a great thing. If they are receiving instructions that are giving them progression in daily living and have a positive affect, they should continue with that fellowship.

Anyone has the right to go to a building with other Believers and fellowship, but to say that is the only thing that defines Christianity is Scripturally inaccurate.

The building has never been the Church. In fact, God does not dwell in temples made by hand. (Acts 7:48, Acts 17:24-25). In Greek understanding the word dwelleth is kä-toi-ke'-ō Pronunciation: kat-oy-keh'-o, meaning to house permanently, reside and inhabit. Temple is nä-o's Pronounced nah-os', a fane shrine temple. To say that a building is the only place to worship God is against what Scriptural Understanding states.

Reclusive Introspection & Ecclesiastical Isolationism deals with the Church System.
The Church System is a procedure, pattern, and structure which preys upon FEAR & IGNORANCE. The Church System uses mind control to gain people's loyalty. The Church System is the breeding place for many false prophets to rise and deceive many. (Matthew 24:11). The “Church System” deals in condemnation.

The structure of RECLUSIVE INTROSPECTION is shutting oneself off and looking to oneself within a group. The only answers that are right are those within that specific group. That is defined as Subjective Thinking.

The policy of ECCLESIASTICAL ISOLATIONISM is denominational differences. A group wants to maintain their own Organizational Beliefs. Anyone, even if they are in the ekklēsia, are not welcomed. Denominational Beliefs do not equal Biblical & Scriptural Truths which are against Isolationism.
1 Corinthians 1:10 (NLT) “I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.” 

Luke 11:17 (ESV) …....“Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls.”

We must never limit God and who God is. I state definitively that God is Ubiquitous. (PSALM 139:7-12, 1 KINGS 8:27, JEREMIAH 23:24). God fills all spaces on earth, heaven and the universe. In Psalm 139:7-12, King David gives confirmation of God's Omnipresence. In 1 Kings 8:27, the Prophet Jeremiah stated the heavens of heavens cannot contain God. In Jeremiah 23:24, the prophet states the Lord fills heaven and earth. When people mistakenly say the only place God is in is a building, and that is the only way you can have relationship with God, that is giving God limitation and God Almighty has never been limited to anything.

Remember, it's not about the location. It is about a person's Daily Relationship, Daily Dialogue and Daily Correlation with God Almighty. Your Relationship is your Connection to God. Your Dialogue is your Conversation with God. Your Correlation is your Mutual Relation with God.

For an in-depth understanding of what is defined as a relationship with God, please see my exposition entitled: "EMPOWERMENT & RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD."

Jarrett L. Perdue Sr.


  1. This teaching is timeless! You exposed the responsibility a person must have in a relationship with God. You did not condemn church goers but you explained that God is bigger than the building. I totally agree.

    1. Thanks for you comment J2. Yes, cohesive comradeship will always be uplifting, empowering & motivating.


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