
Showing posts from July, 2019
" RECLUSIVE INTROSPECTION & ECCLESIASTICAL ISOLATIONISM” Jarrett L. Perdue Sr. When we look at the word "Church" in reference to Believers In Christ, we should always look at it in proper context and not the way it is traditionally used. People will say " What Church do you go to ?" the connotation is, "What denomination, organization and building do you attend weekly?" The reason for that is people have been indoctrinated to believe that when someone states they are going to Church, automatically one thinks of a location. In the English translations of the Bible, the word "Church" is used in the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation. 77 times in the KJV, 109 times in the NLT, 74 times in the ESV, and 78 times in the NET. The etymological root meaning of the word Church in the Greek is ekklēsia , pronounced ek-klay-see'-ah . It comes from 2 words; ek ' meaning 'out' and 'kaleo' meaning 't